Thursday, September 6, 2007

Psychics and Mediums and Bears...Oh My!

In this lovely day and age of the ever so popular paranormal television show. The world has become inundated with the self proclaimed psychic and medium. There has been such a flood in recent years, that it resembles the spiritualist movement of the 1800's through to the early 1900's. It is pretty much the same thing, only now days they call them selves new age.

They make claims of having various powers or as they call them “gifts”. Anything from Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, ESP, Precognitive abilities, to mediums channeling deceased persona's, and a number of other special powers. It some times gets to the point, especially when a number of these individuals are gathered in one place comparing abilities, to begin to sound like some sort of list of powers from a comic book. Each one out doing the next with their special powers, to the point they often times begin claiming they have numerous abilities.

I hope you can tell by now, I am not to fond of psychics and mediums. They all to often use various techniques such as cold reading, to exploit the grief of their clients. People that are wanting to communicate with a passed loved one so badly, that they are willing to believe nearly anything. All it has to be is close and they will apply it to them selves. I personally would be quite insulted if some psychic or medium belittled the memories of my father by claiming he was in contact with them. My reaction would be none to pleasant.

Now, whether or not these people making these claims are simply delusional, or they have some other intent in mind, be it a money making scheme or what ever, i have no clue. All I know is there is not a single shred of evidence to support a single claim of psychic or medium ability. There is even a million dollar reward offered to anyone, that can display these abilities, in a controlled environment offered by James Randi, a skeptic, debunker, and magician. This reward originally started out as 1000 dollars in 1964, but has since been increased to 1 million dollars. As to date, not a single person has passed just the preliminary test. The test is agreed on by both parties before hand, so the psychics and mediums know full well what they are getting into.

In the past I have worked with a number of psychics, and mediums while conducting paranormal investigations. The most disturbing part about working with such individuals. Is their demanding attitude that all attention be on them at all times during an investigation. As if they are the most important tool present on site. What i have also seen on numerous occasions. Is when some thing begins to happen in another part of the site, that requires the attention of the investigators. The psychics and mediums will all of a sudden start getting something, so as to keep the investigation steered toward them. Often creating a missed opportunity. This is why i will not work with one or the other anymore.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do believe in the possibility of psychic or even medium abilities. I think its very well possible that a very small percentage of people may have such abilities. But it is no where near as common or prevalent as so many would have you believe. Just go on line to any paranormal forum, or chat room. And listen to the numerous claims of this ability or that one. You would think these abilities are so common that we all have these abilities in us, only that they are laying dormant. Oh wait, That is exactly what many claim.

Anyway, until next time.